Commercial Services
Commisioned Paintings & illustration
Whether for commercial or for personal request, I do custom paintings that include both figurative as well as place and thing. A design group may have the need for specific size, colors, and subject for a clients needs. There may be need for a specific style of painting, and I am acustomed to making this transition. I have experience in illustration work as well as portraiture, for both corporate and personal clientel. In my shop, I have the ability to build and apply custom picture framing when needed.
Murals (including trompe l'oeil)
For many years I have painted murals for both corporate and private accounts. For one of my longtime corporate accounts, I have painted murals in around 40 locations throughout the country. Many of the murals I have painted stretch as wide as 50'. So size is rarly a problem. I have painted several mural/illustrations for the Texas Tech University Museum, and International Student building.
trompe l'oeil
/,trômp ˈloi/
• visual illusion in art, especially as used to trick the eye into perceiving a painted detail as a three-dimensional object.
On other occations the mural that I painted was tromp l'oeil style. As it means to trick the eye ,the murals was to appear to be real at first sight. This could be windows , doors, or any number illusions for a variety of effects that the client wishes to produce.
Signage & Icons
In my years as a commercial painter, I have at many times been called on to produce signage, which I can do as another offering to the variety of work that I do. I do not offer this as an alone product, but I am always glad to include it with the package. For many years, I produced corporate icon cutouts for CHILI'S restaurants. My shop produced three seperate large painted wooden icons with layered applications to close to 500 stores in the years that they were used. All this to say that I am equiped to produce custom art pieces in quanity when need in my shop.
John R. Thomasson
I was born in Crockett, a town in east Texas in 1948. I graduated from Texas tech University with a BS degree in 1971. I have been married to my wife Elizabeth since 1972 and we have three children, and seven grandchildren.
I have always loved to draw ,paint and build things. My career as a commercial artist has given me the opportunity to apply my love of these to projects across the country. I also have always had a love of fine art painting, and have practiced my hobby in this field as long as I can remember. Now that I have reached a level life where I have more time to expand and pursue this side of my art , I paint all I can with the goal of making my next piece my very best. I am an artist, it is what I do, it is what I think about, it is what I love.
John R. Thomasson
I was born in Crockett, a town in east Texas in 1948. I graduated from Texas tech University with a BS degree in 1971. I have been married to my wife Elizabeth since 1972 and we have three children, and seven grandchildren.
I have always loved to draw ,paint and build things. My career as a commercial artist has given me the opportunity to apply my love of these to projects across the country. I also have always had a love of fine art painting, and have practiced my hobby in this field as long as I can remember. Now that I have reached a level life where I have more time to expand and pursue this side of my art , I paint all I can with the goal of making my next piece my very best. I am an artist, it is what I do, it is what I think about, it is what I love.